


water resources, water supply, pollution, ecological condition, water


The purpose of the article is to identify the problems of the ecological state of water resources in Vinnytsia region and to find means for their further improvement by reducing surface water pollution and rational use, as well as to study the impact of various anthropogenic factors that are the main sources of negative impact on the quality of surface water. Based on the research, to propose urgent measures to improve the ecological condition, protection and rational use of water resources in the region. Research methodology. The object of the study is the water resources of Vinnytsia region. Statistical materials, schemes of use, pollution and protection of water resources, reference books and methods of environmental assessment of water quality were used. Main research methods: analytical, descriptive, statistical, comparative, monitoring. The scientific novelty of the work is that the methodology for monitoring the state of water resources has been improved to reduce their pollution and meet environmental safety requirements. An improved methodology for analyzing the pollution of surface and groundwater in the region, which allows to more accurately determine the main causes of pollution and the reduction and deterioration of the quality of natural waters in the region, which allows to develop scientifically sound recommendations for improving the state of water resources and meeting the requirements of environmental safety in the region. Conclusions. The article analyzes the ecological state of water resources in Vinnytsia region in order to determine their quality and develop approaches to their improvement and conservation. The problems that lead to the deterioration of the quality of water resources in the region are characterized and the indicators characterizing the dynamics of surface water use are summarized.


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