


public administration, communication, communicative competence, development of competencies of public servants


In today’s society, which is experiencing constant transformations and the impact of globalization processes, the effective functioning of the public service is determined not only by the ability to respond to changes, but also by the ability to communicate successfully. The communication competence of public servants is becoming a key factor in their professional success and efficiency, as it is critical in the context of an open dialogue with the public, and it contributes to the legitimacy of decisions and ensures that they are in the public interest. Therefore, the need to improve communication skills becomes not only mandatory, but also strategically important for maintaining a high standard of professional activity of public servants. However, to date, there is still uncertainty in understanding the structure and components of this defining element. Thus, the relevance of the study of the structural-component model of the development of the communicative competence of a public servant necessitates the systematization and clarification of concepts and methodological approaches in this area of knowledge. The purpose of the article is to study the structure and components of a public servant’s communicative competence, to analyze and propose a variant of the model of its development. To achieve this goal, the following tasks need to be solved: 1) to analyze the regulatory and legal prerequisites for the development of communicative competence of public servants; 2) to analyze the existing approaches to determining the components of the structure of of communicative competence and ways of their development; 3) to propose an own model of development of communicative competence of a public servant. Methodology. The research materials are: 1) regulatory and legal acts regarding the development of the communicative competence of public servants; 2) works of domestic authors conducting scientific and practical research in the field of public management and administration, as well as related social sciences. In the process of carrying out the research, the following scientific methods were used: theoretical generalization and grouping (to determine the structure of communicative competence and its components); logical generalization of results (formulation of conclusions). Scientific novelty. The article analyzes the scientific and normative approaches to the structure and components of communicative competence and for the first time proposes a theoretical model of its development, taking into account the current requirements of legislation. Conclusions. Communicative competence has a complex multilevel structure that includes various elements and components, skills and abilities. The components of communicative competence include: motivational component, cognitive component, operational and technological component, personal and behavioral component and reflection. Communicative competence should be viewed as an integrative structure that connects all these components to each other in a complex, complementary system.


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