


ecosystems, biotic factor, vipers, small intestine, toxins, structural changes


The study of the ecological and biological aspects of the violation of the homeostasis of the mammalian organism under the influence of reptile poison has a significant impact on the formation and course of various forms of connections in ecosystems. It is an important biotic factor of the environment and performs several ecological functions. Scientists have found that the best-studied poisonous animals are snakes, of which, out of more than 3.800 different species, only a certain number are highly poisonous. The Viperidae family (Viperidae) includes 101 species of poisonous snakes. In Europe Vipera ammodytes, Vipera aspis, Vipera berus, Vipera latastei, Vipera seoanei and Vipera ursinii are the most dangerous species, their bites cause severe poisoning. In Ukraine, the genus Vipera is represented by the steppe viper (Vipera renardi (Cristoph, 1861)) and two subspecies of the common viper (Vipera berus (Linnaeus, 1758)) – Vipera berus berus and Nikolsky’s viper (Vipera berus nikolskii, Vedmederja Grubant et Rudaeva, 1986). Therefore, the study of the ecological and biological aspects of the violation of the homeostasis of the mammalian organism under the conditions of the action of the poison of the common viper and Nikolsky’s viper within the borders of our country is a complex and multifaceted process that covers different scientific directions. Currently, the mechanisms of damage to various organs and systems of animals and humans under the action of specific components of their toxins remain open. Therefore, the study of the mechanisms of action of viper venom, as well as the development and implementation of a set of measures to reduce the negative impact of their venom on the body of mammals, remain relevant. The purpose of the research is to identify signs of damage to the small intestine of rats under the conditions of the action of viper (Vipera berus) and Nikolskii (Vipera berus nikolskii) venom. The experiment was conducted on 20 white male rats. When studying rats, they were divided into two groups – control and experimental. Poisoning was modeled by intraperitoneal administration of common viper and Nikolsky’s viper venom to experimental group rats at a dose of ED50 of 0.972 μg/g. Histological preparations were examined on a SEO SCAN light microscope, images were processed using a Vision CCD camera with an available system for displaying images on a computer monitor. When examined, it was found that severe intoxication of the body with the venom of Vipera berus berus and Vipera berus nikolskii causes extensive destructive-dystrophic changes in the wall of the empty intestine, along with significant stromal-vascular disorders. Venomous hemotoxins increase the permeability of the vascular wall, altering the processes of intravascular coagulation, which leads to disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC syndrome) and irreversible degeneration of the structures of the small intestine in the experiment.


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