



environmental risks, environmental management, environmental management, impact on the environment


Every year, the issue of environmental social responsibility becomes more and more relevant both abroad and in Ukraine, which is connected with globalization, the growing threat of man-made and ecological disasters, the actualization of a healthy lifestyle, the socialization of labor relations, etc. Today, in built-up areas, one of the main sources of environmental pollution are vehicles, of which the least studied in terms of negative impact on the environment is railway transport. In connection with the above, it was necessary to research and analyze the impact of railway transport on the environment, which will help to comprehensively solve environmental problems. Research methodology. Research and assessment of environmental risks that may arise during the operation of transport infrastructure, in particular railway transport, was carried out by processing literary sources and statistical materials. The scientific novelty of the work is that for the first time, on the basis of the conducted research, the main environmental risks that may arise at railway transport enterprises were formed, and the main management measures were formulated, providing for the improvement of environmental management; development of the environmental strategy of JSC "Ukrzaliznytsia", justification of clear environmental goals, implementation of the environmental management system. Conclusions. One of the most important bases for ensuring the sustainable development of railway transport is the construction of an effective environmental management system that implements modern internationally recognized principles and mechanisms in this area. The new approach should first of all involve a radical transition from combating the consequences of harmful effects on the environment to preventing these effects, minimizing damage to the environment, involving in the processing of previously accumulated waste in the environment using environmentally safe methods.


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