


war, military activity, aquatic ecosystem, heavy metal compounds, pollution of aquatic ecosystems


The Russian-Ukrainian war, which began in 2014 and is still ongoing, has numerous consequences not only from a humanitarian, political and economic point of view, but also in terms of its impact on various ecosystems, including aquatic ones. The main aspects of this impact include: pollution, physical damage, loss of biodiversity, species migration, and changes in water quality. The hostilities have led to the destruction of infrastructure, resulting in the release of oil products, chemicals and other pollutants into water bodies. Such pollution can harm local aquatic organisms by changing the chemical composition of water and leading to the death of fish and other aquatic life. Bombing and other military activities can cause physical damage to rivers, lakes and other water bodies. Changing the course of a river or destroying coastal zones can disrupt natural processes and create obstacles to the normal functioning of aquatic ecosystems. Pollution and physical damage can lead to the death of various species, which reduces the biodiversity of aquatic ecosystems. Unfavourable conditions in some areas can force fish and other aquatic organisms to migrate to other places in search of better living conditions. Among the most common pollutants from war and military operations are heavy metal compounds. When these compounds enter water bodies, they can interact with various components of ecosystems. Heavy metals can be toxic to fish, shellfish, crustaceans and other aquatic organisms. This can lead to a decline in the populations of some species and changes in ecological balances. Some heavy metals can accumulate in the tissues of organisms. This bioaccumulation can lead to toxic levels of metals accumulating at the top of the food chain, including fish, which are then consumed by humans. If the contaminated water is used for drinking or irrigation, heavy metals can poison people or leach into food. As a result of emissions and pollution, water quality can deteriorate, leading to problems with water supplies and increased health risks. While the end of the war will allow nature to begin to repair itself, some of the impacts will be long-lasting. The full restoration of aquatic ecosystems will require a major effort, including specialised environmental projects and the involvement of scientists to monitor and restore ecosystems. Methodology. Standard hydrochemical and hydrobiological methods and techniques were used for the study. The ecological and toxicological experiment was based on the existing works of domestic and foreign scientists. Scientific novelty. The conducted multi-stage studies on the identification of advanced chemical pollutants of water bodies of military origin and the subsequent establishment of physiological and biochemical mechanisms of resistance of aquatic organisms to their impact are systemic and innovative in nature, as well as of undeniable practical importance for the further restoration of the affected hydroecosystems. Conclusions. Copper itself is not an explosive, but it is used in some types of military equipment or as a component in the production of explosives. Under the influence of copper, a tendency to increase carotenoid pigments (β-carotene and xanthophylls) and total protein in the haemolymph at concentrations of 1/8CL50 and 1/4CL50 was found. At a copper concentration of 1/2CL50, a decrease in the content of the discussed indicators in molluscs was found.


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