


Neottianthe cucullata, orchid species, National Nature Park “Kremenetsky Hory”, monitoring


There are a significant number of species that are threatened with extinction or have already disappeared from certain areas. Insufficient attention to Orchid species in recent decades has led to the fact that the habitats of many species have been destroyed, and there are fewer representative territories for the creation of nature conservation objects. In this regard, it is becoming urgent to find out the current state of populations of these species, their distribution and development of protection methods. Neottianthe cucullata (L.) Schlechter is a species of the Orchidaceae family that was considered extinct for the territory of the National Nature Park “Kremenetsky Hory” (Park). In 2018, Neottianthe cucullata was recorded for the first time in the Baraban tract, until now this area is the only place where the species grows on the territory of the Park. The purpose of the article is to highlight the results of monitoring the state of the Neottianthe cucullata (L.) Schlechter cenopopulation and methods of conservation and protection of the species in the Park. Research methodology. The basis of this work is the results of field research conducted during 2019–2023 in the Babaran tract. During this time, the places of growth, which were known from literature and herbarium data, were checked, records and monitoring were carried out. Commonly accepted methods of floristic and phytocenotic research were used. Field research was carried out annually using route-expedition methods. The species of plants are given according to the Catalog of Life. Phenological observations were carried out using Beideman's method (1974). Scientific novelty: for the first time the habitat of Neottianthe cucullata and the results of monitoring studies on the territory are described, ways and measures for the conservation and restoration of the species are proposed. Conclusions. It has been established that Neottianthe cucullata grows in favorable conditions, the development of their populations is satisfactory, and the implementation of nature conservation measures contribute to the increase in the number of this species.


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