


students of higher education, general scientific competence, functions, professional competence, component composition, analysis


The purpose of the article is to reveal the content, functions and structure of general scientific competence, as an integral part of the professional and life competences of higher education students. The research methodology is based on the provisions on the structure of the personality and its professional formation, the concept of continuous and integral professional training of personnel, the implementation of the system approach as a heuristically powerful means of learning psychological and pedagogical processes, theoretical and practical aspects of the formation and development of general scientific competence, the implementation of its correct structural and functional analysis The scientific novelty lies in the fact that, based on the analysis of scientific literature, the study of the features, content and role of general scientific competence for the professional and life development of a person, the results of empirical research, the functions of the studied personal characteristics are highlighted, its component composition is singled out, and the structure of general scientific competence is built, which takes into account the factors , which affect the level of its formation, such as motivational and emotional-volitional spheres, the level of development of mental processes and personality inclinations. Conclusions. General scientific competence is a personal characteristic that is formed and developed throughout a person's life; the foundation of which is the totality of general scientific knowledge acquired during training and self-education from a number of natural and fundamental, technical and social and humanitarian sciences. The analysis of scientific sources and existing research made it possible to single out a number of functions performed by general scientific competence, namely: developmental, thinking, communication, informational, creative, self-actualization. The generalization and systematization of these functions made it possible to establish the structure of general scientific competence, which includes: content-operational, thinking-analytical, communication, and creativegenerational components, which are closely interconnected and complement each other. The conducted research established the low motivation of higher education seekers regarding the formation of their own general scientific competence, and also revealed an insufficient level of formation of their emotional and volitional sphere, which is manifested in their reluctance to make voluntary efforts to develop and improve the specified personal characteristic.


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