postgraduate education, quality of education, teachers, innovations, educational environment, professional growthAbstract
The purpose of the article is to analyse the concept of "postgraduate education"; to determine its place in the professional development of a teacher. The methodology of the study is based on methodological principles based on qualitative and quantitative data analysis, interpretation of theoretical concepts and empirical research. The study uses a combination of scientific approaches, such as literature analysis, empirical research, surveys, observations and other methods to thoroughly examine the role and impact of postgraduate education on teacher professional development. The scientific novelty of this study is to reveal new aspects of the relationship between postgraduate education and teacher professional development, which complements existing knowledge and opens up new opportunities for further research in this area. Conclusions. The study found that through postgraduate education, teachers have the opportunity to deepen their knowledge and skills in specific areas, update their methods and approaches to teaching, and use modern technologies in the educational process. This contributes to the quality of education and improves the effectiveness of teachers' professional activities. It is noted that the legislation of Ukraine recognises the continuous professional development of teachers as an important process aimed at continuous learning and maintaining or improving professional skills. This means that teachers have the opportunity to acquire new knowledge, improve their skills and abilities after receiving higher or postgraduate education. With this in mind, it is worth noting that continuing professional development is important for teachers, as the modern educational environment is constantly changing and teachers need to stay up to date with the latest pedagogical approaches, methodologies and technologies. This process allows teachers to maintain high standards of professional activity, as well as to develop their careers and introduce innovations into the educational process.
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