teacher, internal resources, psychotraumatic event, difficult situation, stress management technique, resilienceAbstract
The purpose of the article is to analyze the internal resourcefulness of teachers as a condition for overcoming stressful situations in the conditions of today's war. During the war, teachers as a professional group are psychologically vulnerable, as they work in conditions of uncertainty and are exposed to a number of traumatic factors. At the same time, they fulfill the social mission of mentoring and in this way are called to offer effective external resources for the development of vitality and resilience of participants in educational interaction. These circumstances actualize the problem of analyzing the internal resourcefulness of teachers as a condition for overcoming complex life problems. The methodology is based on a phenomenological approach that considers a person as a complex whole. Analysis of empirical data obtained by psychodiagnostics using the method of Muli Laada BASIC Ph. Scientific novelty. The obtained results of the empirical research made it possible to specify the dominant internal resources that teachers use in overcoming stressful situations. Conclusions. Resources of faith and worldview and value beliefs, cognitive strategies and cognitive practices, and everyday physical activity are priorities for teachers in solving difficult life situations. Also, in overcoming psycho-traumatic situations, teachers resort to the use of bodily resources in the form of physical everyday work. Respondents insufficiently use resources: emotions and feelings, imagination and creativity, communication and social support. It is noted that the lack of balance in the use of internal resources is a negative factor that indicates the inability of teachers to effectively overcome psycho-traumatic situations. Restoration and development of internal resources contribute to the development of awareness of life. They are replenished on the basis of previous successful experience, successful social communication, the possibility of using the acquired knowledge in practical and creative activities. In each specific situation, teachers use their individual set of internal resources. The outlined comments actualize the need to develop a number of measures of psychocorrection and psychological support for teachers in their resolution of psychotraumatic situations in wartime conditions.
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