


substantive component, graduate student, academic integrity culture, research supervisor, university environment, educational and scientific process


The article illuminates the structure of the substantive component in forming the system of cultivating the culture of academic integrity at the III educational-scientific level in Ukrainian higher education institutions. The aim is to characterize the substantive component of the system for cultivating the culture of academic integrity among future philosophy PhDs during their professional training. Methodology. The work employs various scientific methods, including induction and deduction, analysis and synthesis, abstraction and specification. Various analysis methods were used in the research, including theoretical, descriptive, processing, and interpretation methods. Additional techniques such as observation, classification, and systematization were also utilized. The scientific novelty lies in proposing a three-element structure of the substantive component of the system for cultivating the culture of academic integrity among future philosophy PhDs during their professional training; providing a characterization of the development of an axiologically significant environment in higher education institutions; describing the scientific and methodological activities with the graduating department, particularly with the research supervisor; and organizing educational and research activities with future PhDs. Conclusions. The significant component in forming the culture of academic integrity among future philosophy PhDs manifests through various spheres of activity at three levels. Firstly, it encompasses designing the axiologicalmeaningful environment of higher education institutions. The second level involves the scientific-methodological work of the faculty, including academic supervisors, involved in the preparation of future philosophy PhDs. Lastly, the third level encompasses educational and research activities with future philosophy PhDs. Building this system involves both designing an appropriate educational and scientific environment and interacting with key stakeholders of this system. The development of future philosophy PhDs occurs at different stages within our system, starting with the adaptivecognitive stage, where they adapt to the academic environment. At the activity-technological stage, they shape their position and demonstrate the profession's values through engagement in various activities. The role of the academic faculty shifts from supervisory to collaborative, where learners take the lead, guided by the culture of academic integrity.


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