



epilepsy, psychological and pedagogical support, inclusive environment, children with special needs, seizures, epileptic seizure, adaptation, socialization


The purpose of the article is to highlight the main aspects of psychological and pedagogical support for children with epilepsy. Methodology – general theoretical substantiation of the problem. The scientific novelty is that children with epilepsy are generally considered to be inferior and that they should be in specialized institutions or homebased education by default. It is because of such statements that children with this diagnosis feel pressure from society, growing up, gradually begin to think that something is wrong with them, that they are not like others and, in general, that no one wants to communicate with them because of their diagnosis. However, this article has shown that if the educational process is properly organized in both general education and special education schools, such children can study alongside their peers, as many of them have normative intellectual development. Conclusions – thanks to an integrated approach and cooperation between a teacher and a psychologist, it is possible to provide favorable conditions for the comprehensive development and stay of a child with epilepsy in a general education and inclusive environment. In addition, a crucial task that lies with the psychological and pedagogical team is to inform the child's classmates about epilepsy, what it is and how to behave in the event of a seizure. This is necessary so that a child with epilepsy feels confident and calm among classmates, and they, in turn, do not treat him or her with fear or prejudice. The fact that children with epilepsy can still study in a general education school tells us that they are not inferior and can master the program at the level of their “healthy” peers. Of course, this depends on many factors: the age at which the first seizure occurred, the medications the child is taking, etc. However, it is undeniable that these children can master the general education program, these children can take a leadership position or receive a grant to study abroad when they grow up. Since they are not unusual, they have a certain peculiarity, but this is not the main obstacle to their socialization and adaptation. That is why psychological and pedagogical support plays an important role in the life of a child with special educational needs, as fruitful work in both directions can lead to a positive result that will help such children not to feel inferior.


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