



epilepsy, children, comorbid conditions, cognitive impairments, socialization, epileptic seizure, chronic illness, intellectual activity, emotional sphere


The purpose of the article is to highlight the main problems of cognitive development in children with epilepsy and their adaptation in society. Methodology – general theoretical substantiation of the problem. Scientific novelty – based on the fact that in the course of using the method of analysis of scientific literature, it was confirmed that children with epilepsy have pronounced problems with the development of the cognitive sphere and adaptation in society, which in turn allows us to delve into the problem for a better understanding and create an appropriate correctional program, since there are few works in the scientific literature on the correction of the cognitive sphere in children with epilepsy. Since it is through the creation of a correctional program for this category of children that favorable conditions can be provided for the development of cognitive functions and reduce the negative impact on their course. Conclusions – Normative development of the cognitive sphere is a prerequisite for the comprehensive and successful development of a child. Unfortunately, children with epilepsy have to make several times more efforts to function normally in society. Children's internal feeling that they are not like other children, that they are subject to different requirements and are generally treated differently often leads to withdrawal and alienation, unwillingness to participate in teamwork, and difficulties with adaptation and learning. All this directly affects the child's self-esteem. Therefore, we, psychologists and teachers, are faced with the incredible task of creating favorable conditions and methodological support that will help children with special needs to reach their potential. It is psychologists and teachers who should create positive relationships between children, support and guide them in every way possible to create a harmonious and positive atmosphere in the classroom. Because it is thanks to the coordinated work of the psychological and pedagogical team that incredible results can be achieved in creating favorable conditions for children with epilepsy during their studies, because for them, entering society is a guarantee of a kind of success.


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