


professional training, educational program, clinical psychologist, health care, rehabilitation


The article addresses issues of quality professional training for specialists in the field of mental health care, which is a pressing problem amid the martial law conditions in Ukraine. The purpose of the article is to highlight the content of the training for future specialists in clinical psychology in the context of health care reform in Ukraine. The research methodology is based on a general theoretical scientific rationale of the problem. The scientific novelty lies in the fact that, by utilizing the method of analysis of information sources, legislative documents, analysis, synthesis, analogies, abstraction, and generalization, the faculty of Pedagogy and Psychology at the Kremenchuk Anton Makarenko Humanitarian and Technological Academy has developed an educational program «Practical Psychology and Psychological Rehabilitation» for the training of bachelors in psychology. The purpose of this educational program is to prepare specialists capable of solving complex specialized tasks and practical problems that may arise in the professional, research, and innovation activities of a psychologist, particularly through understanding the psyche and psychological development of the personality, as well as through the application of psychological knowledge for working in multidisciplinary rehabilitation teams and performing psychoprophylactic, psychodiagnostic, and psychocorrectional measures for various population groups. Conclusions. The increase in cases of mental and behavioral disorders, as well as the rising frequency of psychosomatic diseases, is closely linked to the high level of psychological stress, which is a direct consequence of the widespread tragedies experienced en masse by the population of Ukraine during the war. This means that there is a growing need for highly qualified specialists who provide professional psychological assistance, possess the relevant education, and have the appropriate professional knowledge and skills. The developed educational program "Practical Psychology and Psychological Rehabilitation" will enable future psychologists to provide qualified psychological assistance to those affected and will also prepare them to work as part of a multidisciplinary team.


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