


language training, culture of communication, linguistic and country knowledge, sociolinguistics, social communication, foreign language, agrarians


The analysis of educational and normative requirements for the formation of linguistic and sociocultural competence in future specialists in the agricultural sector is an extremely relevant educational issue. As the labour market goes beyond the borders of Ukraine and partnerships with European countries are being established, the requirements for professional communicative competence possessed by a modern specialist are also changing. The purpose of the article is to determine the main educational and normative requirements for the formation of linguistic and sociocultural competence in future agricultural specialists. The research methodology is based on a set of theoretical research methods for analysis, synthesis, generalisation, comparison and systematisation of theoretical data. In general, the professional communicative competence of a future agrarian consists of many competences, including professional, linguistic, speech, linguistic and sociocultural competences, etc. Our study focuses on linguistic and sociocultural competence, as we believe that it is the least addressed in the process of developing professional communicative competence at university. The scientific innovation lies in the definition of educational and normative requirements for the process of forming linguistic and sociocultural competence. It has been established that the main educational and normative documents regulating the process of forming the linguistic and sociocultural competence of specialists in various specialties are the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages: Learning, Teaching, Assessment, the German Language Framework for National Higher Education Institutions, Higher Education Standards, educational and professional training programmes and work programmes in language training disciplines. Conclusions. The list of educational and normative requirements for the formation of linguistic and sociocultural competence of future agrarians is outlined, including: 1) the ability to communicate in the performance of their official duties on the basis of ethical considerations; 2) the ability to work in an international environment, taking into account the norms of verbal and non-verbal behaviour of native speakers, depending on the conditions of social interaction; 3) the ability to communicate in the State and foreign languages, taking into account numerous differences and differences.


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