


social competence, doctors, professional and psychological portrait, anxiety, stability, personality


The purpose of the article is to analyze the role of social competence in the professional and psychological portrait of doctors. The research methodology is based on a combination of philosophical principles, such as systematicity, dialectical contradiction, unity of quality and quantity, dialectical negation, development, causality; general psychological concepts, such as the psychological theory of action, the unity of the psyche and activity, development, systematicity, the concept of the subject of mental activity, etc. The methods used are based on the principles of systematicity, scientificity and verification. The scientific novelty lies in the fact that, using the method of scientific literature analysis, the place of social competence in the professional and psychological portrait of doctors has been identified and modern studies of the professional portrait of a doctor have been systematized covering a wide range of aspects, including psychological, social, ethical and cultural aspects of the medical profession. The understanding of the professional-psychological portrait is summarized in the following version: it is a concept that arose in social psychology and social sciences for the purpose of analyzing and understanding the behavioral and psychological characteristics of individuals in the context of the social environment. This category reflects a comprehensive approach to the study of personality, its interaction with society and the cultural environment. Conclusions. Social competence turns out to be a key component of the professional and psychological portrait of a doctor, which determines his success in interaction with patients, colleagues and other participants in the medical process. The ability to communicate effectively, show empathy, understand cultural differences, and accept a diversity of viewpoints are important aspects of a physician's social competence.


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