


ADHD, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, older preschool age, educational psychology, social aspects, theoretical foundations, psychological aspects, age-specific characteristics


The aim of the research is to systematically analyze and illuminate the core theoretical aspects of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder in older preschool-age children and to draw attention to the importance of identifying ADHD at preschool age for timely disorder correction, which will improve self-regulation, well-being, behavior, socialization, a child's ability to learn, and reduce the likelihood of future comorbid disorders.. The psychological development features of children of this age category are studied and presented. The influence of the disorder on the social, emotional, and personal spheres of a senior preschooler's life is analyzed. Recent scientific studies related to ADHD in preschoolers are thoroughly examined. Methodology. The research is based on a thorough analysis of known scientific sources related to psychological (attention and concentration, emotional regulation, self-esteem), social (interpersonal relationships, adaptation, development of social skills, learning ability) aspects of ADHD. Methods include reviewing scientific literature, analyzing psychological models, and theories explaining ADHD manifestations in older preschool children. Scientific novelty lies in the review and analysis of theoretical concepts related to ADHD manifestations in older preschool children. It allows synthesizing existing knowledge and highlighting key aspects of this disorder, which can contribute to further research and development of new theoretical and practical approaches to understanding and correcting early ADHD manifestations. Conclusion. Focusing on the theoretical analysis of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder manifestations in older preschoolers, reviewing the socio-psychological aspects of this disorder, a wide range of ADHD's impact on a child's life has been revealed. This article contributes to understanding this problem and emphasizes the importance of timely identification of ADHD and an individual approach to children with ADHD for their successful learning and development. Researching psychological and social aspects of ADHD helps enrich our knowledge and improve the quality of children's lives, their learning, and social integration.


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