


morality, moral education, moral personality traits, humanity, spirituality, environment


The purpose of the article is to study the modern requirements of national education in the light of the moral and spiritual development of the personality, its development, upbringing, morality. The research methodology is based on a combination of general-philosophical scientific thinking, psychologicalpedagogical concepts and theories of scientific knowledge, systemic-dialectical and synergistic approaches to the reflection of reality. The multi-level system of scientific knowledge is based on the methodology of interdisciplinary research (general laws of philosophy and logic of scientific knowledge, regularities and principles of pedagogy, teachings of the classics of domestic and foreign pedagogy). The scientific novelty consists in the analysis and systematization of scientific literature on the problem of research, classification and generalization of psychological and pedagogical sources regarding the moral education of preschoolers, which made it possible to identify theoretical approaches to the investigated problem and helped to formulate pedagogical conditions for the education of the morality of preschool children. Conclusions. Moral education of preschool children in the process of familiarization with the environment involves the ability to develop qualities in the child that will help him become more humane and spiritual. The environment in this context acts as a natural foundation for the development of a perfect person, a person who possesses moral virtues and understands the values of human life and communication. Therefore, transformational changes in the system of education, including preschool, require the search for new approaches and methods of educational influence on the moral and spiritual sphere of the individual.


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