


intolerance to uncertainty, anxiety, catastrophisation, intolerance to frustration


The purpose of the article is to theoretically and experimentally substantiate the psychological factors of the development of adult uncertainty tolerance. The research methodology is based on the concept of the ecofacilitative approach by P. V. Lushin (2005), the conceptual model of Hillen M. A., Gutheil C. M. (2017), the cognitivebehavioural model of uncertainty intolerance by Hebert, E. A. and Dugas, M. J. (2019), etc. The empirical study involved 106 adults. The scientific novelty of the study is to expand the understanding of uncertainty intolerance of an adult personality, to substantiate the psychological factors of its development. Conclusions. By uncertainty intolerance we mean a negative dispositional property of a personality that arises in the face of predictable danger in situations with incomplete, fragmented and contradictory information and is characterised by catastrophic beliefs about uncertainty and its consequences. The mechanism of uncertainty intolerance formation is an exaggerated assessment of threats and a pessimistic forecast of one's own self-regulation, based on repeated preliminary reviews of information. The psychological factors of uncertainty intolerance are increased anxiety, the individual's desire to escape from negative changes with compensation for hedonistic pleasures, manifestations of maladjustment, self-doubt and stereotypical thinking, as well as a tendency to catastrophise events and intolerance of frustration.


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