law, education, reforms, unification of universities, technical educational and scientific clusters, innovationsAbstract
The objective of this article. Analysis of the legal framework for higher education reform in Ukraine through the merger of universities and the possibility of creating technical educational and scientific clusters. Methodology. The following methodological approaches were used in the study: documentary analysis, systems analysis, comparative analysis, and logical analysis. We analyzed a wide range of normative legal acts regulating the education sector in Ukraine, including laws, presidential decrees, and Cabinet of Ministers resolutions. A systems approach was used to analyze the interconnections between different elements of the education system and their impact on the reform process. A comparison was made between Ukrainian experience and the experience of other countries, and logical methods were used to analyze legal norms and their impact on social relations in this field. Scientific Novelty: The analysis conducted on the legal framework of higher education reform in Ukraine demonstrates that structural changes alone are insufficient for successful modernization of education. The study emphasizes the critical role of legal provisions in the processes of university mergers and the establishment of technical educational and scientific clusters. It was found that the existing legislation requires further refinement to ensure effective commercialization of research and protection of intellectual property. Comparisons with the experience of other countries indicate the need for further harmonization of Ukrainian legislation with European standards. The research results can be used to develop government policies aimed at creating a favorable legal environment for the development of innovation in education, as well as to develop practical recommendations for higher education institutions on adapting to new operating conditions. Conclusions. Our research has shown that structural reforms alone are insufficient for successful modernization of education. There is a need to significantly improve the material and technical equipment of educational institutions. The widespread introduction of grant programs can be an effective tool for achieving this goal. In addition, it is important to invest in improving the qualifications of teachers and to stimulate cooperation with businesses. A comprehensive approach combining grant funding with other support mechanisms will allow the creation of a modern and effective education system.
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