integration, valeological education, valeological knowledge, pedagogical condition, educational subjectAbstract
The aim of the research study is to determine the implementation level of one of the learning conditions – the arming with relevant knowledge – for effective valeological education in current realities. The aim was reached by using the analysis of scientific literature sources dealing with the research of the mentioned problem and practical experience in general secondary education institutions. The research methodology is based on the integration of such principles as: philosophical principle of systematicity and causality; psychological principle of the unity between the psyche and activity; specifically educational principle of systematicity, consistency, education through activities and communication, holistic and complex approaches in education, and fundamental law of education, in particular, the organic connection between education, social needs and education conditions. The scientific novelty is defined by the research methodology: after thorough analysis of scientific investigations related to our research, practical experience of organizing the educational process, studying the content of NUS programs, textbooks and manuals, we predicted one of the important education conditions: the integration of valeological knowledge into academic subjects. Conclusion. The Law of Ukraine On Education specifies the principles of state policy in the field of education and the principles of educational activity. One of the principles is the development of a healthy lifestyle culture. Our research was aimed at finding ways to implement this principle in the educational process in general secondary education institutions. Various innovative forms of educational influence are effective in the work of teachers, tutors at extracurricular institutions, and in the teachering strategies in subject teacher’s work. We offer to implement one of the education conditions, namely the integration of valeological knowledge into the content of educational subjects.
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