


assertive behavior, communication, social adaptation, emotional competence, professional activity


The purpose of the article is to explore the role of assertiveness in shaping a harmonious personality capable of effective social integration and successful communication. The research methodology is based on a systematic approach, including the analysis of structural components of assertive behavior (cognitive-semantic, affective, and behavioral), their interrelation with emotional competence, and social adaptation. A theoretical analysis of scientific sources on the influence of sociocultural and professional factors on the development of assertiveness was conducted. The scientific novelty lies in identifying the role of assertiveness as a key factor in the harmonious development of personality, which facilitates effective communication, conflict resolution, and the establishment of healthy interpersonal relationships. Conclusions. Assertiveness plays a significant role in professional activities, interpersonal relationships, and personal development. It allows for effective communication, the building of healthy relationships, and the reduction of conflicts. It is particularly important in the context of youth development, as this period marks the completion of the formation of psychophysical and personality traits. For the effective development of assertiveness, self-analysis, awareness of one’s rights and responsibilities, and the ability to compromise are essential. The development of this quality helps an individual become more confident, independent, and better adapted to the social environment, ensuring a harmonious balance between personal interests and social responsibility. Assertiveness serves as the foundation of psychological resilience, social adaptation, and successful self-expression. People who develop assertiveness not only defend their rights but also take responsibility for their actions, which in turn allows them to maintain harmonious relationships with others. Sociocultural contexts determine the specifics of assertive behavior manifestations, which is particularly significant in the professional sphere, where this quality enhances the effectiveness of interactions. Future research may focus on developing methods for assertiveness training in educational and professional environments, considering age and cultural characteristics.


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