mentalization, reflective functioning, mentalization difficulties, emotional dysregulation, adolescenceAbstract
The purpose of the article is to theoretically and experimentally substantiate the psychological peculiarities of the development of mentalization of adolescent personality. Methods used: methodological and theoretical analysis, empirical research. The realized research is based on the concept of mentalization by P. Fonagy, A. Bateman; the theory of personal life construction by T. Titarenko, the subject-action paradigm by V. Tatenko. The scientific novelty of the study is to expand the understanding of the mentalization of the individual, to substantiate the psychological characteristics of its development in adolescence. Conclusions. The concept of “mentalization” refers to the specific ability of a person to understand and interpret the behavior of oneself and other people through the prism of their internal mental states (thoughts, feelings, desires), to predict their actions and build effective relationships. Mentalization is guided by the processes of reflection and empathy, which in turn determine the affective and conflict regulation and psychological competence of the subject). The experimental study showed that the level of mentalization among adolescents is heterogeneous. Although most adolescent youth demonstrate sufficient social cognition skills, a significant number have difficulties with emotional regulation and understanding the inner world of other people. These difficulties are associated with increased stress levels and a negative impact on psychological well-being, manifested in problems with self-regulation, emotional awareness, and the ability to make perspective assessments. The results of the study emphasize the importance of developing mentalization skills in adolescence.
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