


autistic children, inclusion, inclusive school, psychological correction, principles and conditions of psychological correction


The aim of the article is an analysis of basic approaches of work with a child with disorders of spectrum of autism, that presents an interdisciplinary problem and is the article of research of medicine, psychology, special pedagogics, social work. In the article approaches and directions of correction accompaniment of persons with the spectrum of violations and role of specialists open up in this process. Difficulties of including of autism students are analysed in the class of general school. Drawn conclusion about absence of psychological technology and psychological terms of educational process. It is marked on importance of persuasion of teachers in relation to possibilities of corrections of spectrum of autism during studies. The article reveals the works of inclusive education of persons with the spectrum of autistic disorders and the role of the teacher in this process. It`s analysed the difficulties of inclusion of autistic pupils in the class of mass school. It`s made the conclusion about the absence of psychological technologies and the psychological conditions of an inclusive process. Separately the role of parents and their responsibility opens up in an inclusive process. Underline about a necessity from bringing in to the collaboration with a teacher and parents of other students of class. It`s grounded a necessity of creation of psychological terms and training programs for parents with the purpose of the successful including and general studies of healthy and autism children. It is marked on importance of persuasion of teachers in relation to possibilities of overcoming (corrections) of autistic violations during education and leisure. There are presented the directions of preparation of future specialists – corrective teachers which provide in inclusive space individual approach to autistic child and his special educational program.


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