futures education, universal knowledge, education of the future, new educational technologies, innovations in educationAbstract
The aim of the article is to understand the general approaches to the level of scientific substantiation of education of the future, which we interpret in our work through the concept of futures education as universal knowledge. The author focuses on the humanistic and cultural philosophy of education, the strategic goal of which is to become a creative and humanitarian personality as a holistic subject of culture. The research methodology is based on a combination of methods such as analysis, synthesis and generalization. The scientific novelty of the work is that the author considers the formation of modern methodological foundations of education, in particular the formation of futures education as universal knowledge in the information age. The key categories that describe the modern model of education, focused on the formation of the planetary-space type of personality, include: universality, as the ability to act effectively in a wide range of spheres of life; integrity; fundamentality; competence and professionalism; humanization and humanization. Education for the future in the formation of ‘future literacy’ in young people should: ‘be based on’ connection’ – the relationship was and will be the essence of learning; the use of information technology ‘is valuable and effective only when it promotes communication between people’; education should ‘arouse interest, release energy and actively use each student’s ability to learn for themselves and help others learn’; have a value character; focus on resilience; to cultivate integral thinking; proceed from pluralism of content. Conclusions. Prospects for reforming education in Ukraine are considered through the actualization of humanistic and cultural philosophy of education. Formation of futures education as universal knowledge – in the unity of theoretical, practical and concrete knowledge, in the principles of universal communication, integrated thinking and pluralism of content, prospects of the younger generation and lifelong learning.
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