



parental position, children with peculiarities of psychophysical development, acceptance, psychological support


The purpose of the publication is to analyze and generalize theoretical concepts and psychological research on the peculiarities of the formation of parental positions (acceptance, attitude, interaction) in families raising children with psychophysical disabilities. The research methodology is based on general scientific methods (analysis, synthesis, generalization) and the principles of systematization and scientificity. The scientific novelty of the work is the analysis of theoretical concepts and psychological research on the awareness and acceptance of parents of the situation of the birth of a child with psychophysical disorders; different types of parental positions characteristic of them; the necessity of organizing timely support and directions of psychological assistance to a family raising a child with psychophysical disabilities is substantiated; received further development of knowledge about the features of psychological counseling of such parents. Conclusions. Disorders of the child’s health, which are the cause of difficulties in its development, form the basis of psychological trauma in parents, which negatively affects their attitude to problems, acceptance of the child, the formation of interaction with her. Acceptance of a child with psychophysical development is a complex and ambiguous process, which depends on the individual psychological characteristics of parents, which are formed under the influence of strong psycho-traumatic factors. In solving this problem, most parents need psychological help, which is to use family counseling techniques that will eliminate psychological problems in parents and promote their acceptance of the child and problems in its development, forming an adequate parental position on the child with psychophysical disabilities. Conscious attitude to corrective measures, will be actively involved in the process of corrective support of the child to optimize his personal development.


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