Self-determination, professional speech, manager, motivation, professional speech competenceAbstract
The article highlights the importance of professional speech for the manager specialty. The purpose of the article is to study the process of formation and development of professional speech competence of future managers and to define the influence of self-determination of personality on this process. The research methodology is based on the combination of theoretical and empirical research of the given problem and on the principles of systematicity, scientificity and verification. The scientific novelty consists in the newly built model of the formation of professional speech competence of managers in the process of training at a higher education institution and the suggested psychological set of motivational attitudes that forms a system of self-determination of personality. Conclusions. The model of formation of professional speech competence of managers in the process of training at a higher education institution includes three main stages: functional and cognitive, developing, and professionally formed. We consider the development of selfdetermination of personality to be the basis of the motivational and developing stage. The basis of self-determination is the use of internal resources of the future manager. Thus, we suggest forming and increasing motivation to master professional speech competence. We believe that it is necessary to apply a formative psychological set of motivational attitudes to its mastery. It should provide a psychological prerequisite for the acquisition of appropriate skills. It consists of the following stages: determination and justification of the need to acquire and improve professional speech competence; setting a goal in its mastery or its improvement; development of a strategy to achieve the goal; planned implementation of assigned tasks for mastering or improving professional speech competence; reflective evaluation and perception of results.
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