art therapy, flexible materials, salt dough, dough plastics, demonstration materialAbstract
The article is dedicated to covering the practicability of using flexible materials in the work of teachers with students in the classroom on the example of using salt dough. The usage of flexible materials is a method of art therapy that is used in work with children, namely in psychodiagnostic, psychocorrectional and psychotherapeutic work, as it is the gentlest method of working with various problems and promotes the creative development of the child. The article shows that flexible materials are simple and easy to use by a classroom teacher, and that this materials help not only in working with the psycho-emotional state of childrens minds, but can also become a tool for the educational process as an additional demonstration material. The article provides examples of the use of flexible material at school as a visual and tactile tool in the study of school subjects – these examples demonstrate the versatility of the method. It is also clearly shown that techniques with using salt dough can be easily modified to cover the needs of the educational process and the needs of the teacher. with this flexible material helps to improve friendly relations in any team. Similarly, flexible materials are a form of organization of the learning process that can be used for students with different learning needs and abilities in the same classroom. And one of the main features of using salt dough by a teacher is that there is no need for additional long-term training and diagnosis of students’ mental state. At the same time, every teacher should remember that by using a creative approach to teaching, a teacher can achieve the best results. The article is addressed to teachers of general education institutions, methodological workers, teacher assistants, students of advanced training courses for pedagogical staff, students of pedagogical higher education institutions.
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