


sense of coherence, generalized resource of resistance, comprehensibility, controllability, meaningfulness


Abstract. The purpose of the article is to theoretically and experimentally substantiate the socio-psychological conditions for the development of adult personality coherence. The research methodology is based on the concept of salutogenesis by A. Antonovski; the theory of personal life construction by T.M. Titarenko, the continuum-hierarchical structure of personality by O.P. Sannikova; the concept of resilience by S. Muddy and the theory of self-determination by E. Desi and R. Ryan. The scientific novelty of the study is to expand the understanding of the sense of coherence of an adult personality, to substantiate the socio-psychological conditions of its development in adults. Conclusions. By sense of coherence, we mean an affective and cognitive complex of experiences that determines the subject’s disposition to organize impressions and information about an event into a coherent conscious system of ideas, as well as his/her capabilities and ways of influencing it and determines the value and meaning of the event in the subject’s life. The socio-psychological factors that determine the development of a sense of coherence are age, a person’s conscious desire for self-development, self-construction and self-changing; openness to new experiences and readiness for reflection; reliable attachment and a positive time perspective and a holistic cognitive style. Reflection on life events in the historical and biographical context, one’s own role in their dynamics, experience of effective coping behavior and comprehension of personal meanings and values leads to the formation and development of an adult’s sense of coherence.


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