


monitoring research, management monitoring, pedagogical monitoring, monitoring in the evaluation system, management decisions


In the article, the authors draw attention to managerial monitoring as a research process that requires constant monitoring of various standardized aspects of the educational services provision, as well as the level of educational achievements of their consumers. The authors focuse on the importance of the received information for the detection of changes, regular assessment and forecasting of the further development of the higher education system, making managerial decisions regarding the systematic quality management of the educational process. The purpose of the article is to analyze the ways of functioning and implementation of management monitoring in the education quality assessment system and its impact on increasing the effectiveness of the educational process. The research methodology is based on a combination of such methods as analysis, synthesis and generalization. The authors note that methods of research during monitoring can be: testing; surveys (questionnaires, interviews); observation of the educational process and educational activities in educational institutions; analysis of documentation of educational institutions; analysis of statistical data on the state of the education system according to established reporting forms, etc. Monitoring is carried out in the form of: direct receipt of information from participants; indirect receipt of information; receiving information without the involvement of participants, etc. The scientific novelty of the work lies in the fact that the author examines the issue of implementing ways and methods of management monitoring in the system of evaluating the quality of education and implementing mechanisms for its improvement through the system of regulatory and legal support for improving the quality of education. Conclusions. Administrative monitoring in the education quality assessment system is carried out over a long period of time; requires obtaining a significant amount of information; requires careful monitoring of the situation and is carried out in the form of a permanent or periodic check with further documentation of the received data using diagnostic and control tools to determine compliance with established standards, which provides a basis for improving further educational activities.


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