



reforestation, afforestation, forest plantations, forest landscapes, forest cultures


The purpose of the article is to analyze the history of reforestation and afforestation in the territory of Eastern Podillia and to develop a periodization for further study of the research issues. The research material is scientific works, statistical and historical-archival data, which mention the development of the process of reforestation and afforestation in the territory of Eastern Podillia. Research methods are analytical, descriptive, statistical, cartographic and retrospective analysis. The article is devoted to the problem of the history of the development of the process of reforestation and afforestation, as well as the development of its periodization based on the scientific works of scientists, nature conservationists, historians and other publicists. On the basis of research, nine periods of economic development of forest lands of Vinnytsia region have been identified. The main goal is the historical analysis of reforestation and afforestation in the conditions of Eastern Podillia and its comparison with modern rates and modern approaches and principles. The scientific novelty of the work includes the development of the periodization of the process of reforestation and afforestation in the territory of Eastern Podillia for a broader understanding of scientific approaches and principles of its implementation in the conditions of the formation of a balanced development of the region, as well as an analysis of the effectiveness of the application of forest cultivation technology. Conclusion. The modern process of afforestation must be carried out in compliance with the technological processes in accordance with the requirements of forest typology, as well as with the application of the principles of close to natural forestry and environmentalization of nature management.


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