


language stability, language consciousness, national-speaking personality, mother tongue, civil servants, officials, bilingualism


The formation of a national-language conscious personality of the state citizen in the conditions of the latest stage of development of Ukrainian society meets the challenges today. The article analyzes the problem of language stability, which is based on national consciousness, education, traditions and culture, as well as cooperation with representatives of other nationalities living on the territory of Ukraine. In particular, attention is focused on the important issue of the linguistic stability formation of government officials such as civil servants, public managers, officials of various levels and spheres of activity, on which the formation of a new nationally conscious generation of citizens and the development of the state as a whole largely depends. The main factors and ways of formation and development of the leader's national-language personality are determined. The purpose of the article is based on the analysis of scientific literature; taking into account modern national and political realities in Ukraine, the goal is to answer the questions related to the factors influencing the formation of linguistic stability of management staff, which are supposed to contribute to increasing the level of linguistic stability of citizens. The methodology of problem research is based on a combination of such methods as analysis, synthesis and generalization. The theoretical and methodological basis of the research are native and foreign scientific works devoted to the definitions of "language stability" and "language resilience". It is noted that effective methods of researching language stability of citizens in the country and abroad are surveys (questionnaires, interviews); observation of speech and activities of people of various fields and professions; analysis of statistical data on the state of language policy in Ukraine, etc. The research is conducted in the form of obtaining information directly from the participants and indirectly. The scientific novelty of the work is revealed in the attempt to investigate the issue of language stability and its sources as one of the problems of sociolinguistics. It is a key feature of a Ukrainian society citizen; in the search for modern possible ways to increase the level of language stability of civil servants and officials and the prospects for popularizing the Ukrainian language. Conclusions. Language stability is an acquired trait. The main conditions for raising the level of language resilience of the people are the independence of the country and the national consciousness of its citizens, the development of national culture and the absence of aggressive influence from other cultures, a well-thought-out strategy of state language policy and a high level of language resilience of civil servants and officials. The language stability of the Ukrainian people should become a priority of the state's ideology and a conscious choice of its citizens.


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