waste, destruction waste, waste managementAbstract
Under the conditions of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, there is a need to adapt the field of waste management to the state of war, in particular, due to changes in the regulatory and legislative field and management decisions regarding war waste, among which a separate category stands out – waste from destruction. The regions of Ukraine face an important task to develop effective approaches to recycling and reuse of construction, demolition and demolition. In order to implement the principles of the circular economy, it is necessary to systematically overcome a number of deep challenges that prevent the establishment of an effective model of management and handling of construction, demolition and demolition waste. The purpose of the study is to analyze the features of construction and demolition waste management in the regions of Ukraine. The research methodology is based on the results of studies that analyze available methods and prospects for handling construction and demolition waste in the regions of Ukraine. The scientific novelty of the work lies in the fact that, for the first time, the system of management of destruction, construction and demolition waste in the regions of Ukraine has been analyzed and practical recommendations for its improvement have been provided. The inclusion of demolition waste in the national waste management strategy is a necessary condition for ensuring environmental safety and sustainable development of Ukraine’s regions. Conclusions. Today, the state of the field of waste management is faced with the problem of waste from destruction, the volumes of which are significant and continue to grow. But in the conditions of cheap disposal and lack of interest in the processing of such waste, clogging due to placement on land plots, overloading of solid waste landfills and accumulation of large volumes of such waste in special areas with a long-term perspective of transformation into construction and inert waste landfills is expected.
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