state regulation, state administration, construction industry, state building regulationsAbstract
The aim of the article is to determine directions for improving state regulation of the construction industry in Ukraine in wartime conditions. Research methodology: scientific works, legislation, normative legal acts and concepts related to the state regulation of the construction industry of Ukraine. The scientific novelty of the work. The study presents the trends of improving the state regulation of the construction industry of Ukraine in wartime conditions. This will contribute to the preparation of strategic initiatives, draft legal acts, the adoption and implementation of which are necessary for the effective work and recovery of Ukraine in the war and post-war periods, and will contribute to the development of a plan of measures for the post-war recovery and development of Ukraine In today’s conditions, when objects worth about $157 billion have been destroyed and damaged, the problem of improving state regulation of the construction industry, which is the driving force of the country’s economy, has become especially urgent. State regulation of the construction industry is carried out by relevant state bodies, in accordance with current legal documents. The armed aggression against our country revealed a number of problems (gaps in regulatory documents, low speed of decision-making, inconsistency of existing construction norms and rules) for which state regulation was not prepared. Also, in connection with the armed aggression, a number of negative factors arose: personnel shortages, a reduction in the construction materials market, problems with the import of construction materials, a change in the structure and volume of demand and, as a result, an increase in the cost of construction. Therefore, administrative procedures, state building regulations and rules and their compliance control, the procedure for selecting contractors for construction work, financial and credit mechanisms, mechanisms for attracting funds of international organizations require urgent changes. Restoration of objects destroyed or damaged by armed aggression requires special attention. Restoration should not be reduced to reproducing what was before the destruction. The approach to this problem should be conceptually new, strategic, rethought, taking into account the needs of all sectors of the economy. It is necessary to develop a national concept for the restoration of objects destroyed or damaged by armed aggression. The state has taken a number of steps to improve the situation. By decree of the President of Ukraine, the National Council for the Recovery of Ukraine from the Consequences of the War was established (the task of which is, in particular, the development of a plan of measures for the post-war recovery and development of Ukraine, the preparation of the necessary strategic initiatives, projects of regulatory and legal acts), changes were made to some regulatory and legal documents, adopted new legal documents. However, hindering the development of events, state regulation of the construction industry needs further improvement and a qualitatively new, strategic approach. Conclusions. The trends of improvement of the state regulation of the construction industry of Ukraine in the conditions of war are analyzed. The areas of improvement of the state regulation of the construction industry of Ukraine in the conditions of war have been determined.
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