public service, state service, civil service, public administration, self-government, populationAbstract
The article summarizes the theoretical experience of public administration in Europe, considering the public service systems in France, Switzerland, Germany and Great Britain. The aim of the article is to analyze both positive and negative aspects of public administration in these countries. The relevance of this study is determined by Ukraine’s desire for European integration and the implementation of decentralization of state administration, which is aimed at building a democratic society, a legal and socially oriented state according to the European model. The research methodology is a theoretical analysis of the key concepts “public service”, “civil service” and “state service”, which are common in the management practice of European countries, was carried out. The scientific novelty of the work lies in the study of the peculiarities of public services in European countries. The peculiarities of public service in France are analyzed, its social orientation is noted. The multi-level structure of public authority in Switzerland is studied, where the actual existing public service is not sufficiently regulated by law. In Germany, the system of public administration is attractive with orderliness and a logical hierarchy of employees, which increases the status of state representatives without alienation from society. In Great Britain, the concept of “public service” is not used, instead the term “civil service” exists. Despite this, the system of public management ensures the effective performance of state functions, increasing the authority of the authorities and the legitimacy of management. Conclusions. Considering the experience of the public service of the leading European countries, it is possible to create a model that would reduce the negative aspects as much as possible and strengthen the positive ones. A promising direction in this is orientation towards a welfare state, where public institutions carrying out socially oriented activities should be prioritized. The public sector must become an administrator accountable to citizens, which needs control and audit.
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