


institutions of higher education, humanitarian sphere, educational policy, implementation, USA, Germany, experience, Western democracies


The article determines that in modern conditions, an important component for the successful functioning of any institution of higher education is insufficient competent teaching staff. Institutions of higher education need strong, competent management, which should lead with the help of all departments of the educational institution. Of course, every institution of higher education has certain traditions that persist for several years, but effective management is impossible without innovations and changes. The conditions of the external and internal environment of the educational sphere require close attention when managing a higher educational institution. The main areas that allow for the analysis of the current management system are considered, since the awareness of world trends in the field of higher education, the improvement of management levers has important theoretical and practical significance, which forms the basis for forecasting and development of national higher education, the management system of higher education in the context of approaching European standards. When developing a strategy for the development of higher education, the experience of the leading states in the management of higher education, which made the European choice, is especially informative. Higher education definitely and at the same time defined as the main direction of its activity, the integration into a single European educational journey of all its development and improvement. The experience of forming a new modern model of higher education management, which was conducted by studying the works of Ukrainian and foreign researchers. It was found that on the basis of the conducted analysis, a number of tasks of the strategic and tactical plan were identified, the solution of which contributes to the improvement of the management efficiency of domestic institutions of higher education. One of the main problems of most institutions of higher education is the lack of experienced managers. The universities of the United States of America and Western Europe look much stronger in this regard. The domestic system of higher education was considered one of the best in the world for many decades. And now the national higher education institution is deeply respected by our partners. Innovative technologies and the dissemination of scientific and technical achievements have been proven to increase productivity, and most of these innovations are the result of fundamental and applied research conducted in universities. Educational institutions currently do not have too much experience in the field of innovation management in educational institutions. At the same time, there is no absolutely effective, unchanging, once and for all set education system. One or another established approaches are being replaced by a focus on development, self-renewal and flexibility. It is substantiated that an effective institution of higher education today cannot be imagined without a functioning system for optimizing the interaction of all structural divisions, which orient their activities to the result of the entire educational institution. Institutions of higher education play the most important role in the implementation of the strategy of economic growth based on knowledge and in the formation of a democratic and socially interconnected society, and the successful and progressive development of the humanitarian sphere is directly related to the level of development of higher education in the state.


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