


forest, ecosystem services, provisioning services, supporting services, regulatory services, cultural services


The aim of the article is to assess the value of the ecosystem services of the forests of the Slovechanske Forestry branch of the State Enterprise «Forests of Ukraine» for the population and the environment. The research methodology is based on the use of the classification of ecosystem services given in the report «Millennium Ecosystem Assessment». The scientific novelty of the work lies in the fact that, for the first time, the classification of ecosystem services of the forests of the «Slovechanske Forestry» was carried out and their functions and benefits for the population were determined. Conclusions. It was found that the provision of ecosystem services is carried out due to the interaction between living organisms and their environment and becomes benefits and values for humans. According to the MEA classification, 4 groups of ecosystem services are distinguished: providing and cultural, which have a direct impact on people, as well as supporting and regulating, which indirectly affect the population. The main benefits of provisioning services are residents receiving food, clean drinking water, wood, etc. The main functions of cultural services are to provide a person with aesthetic and spiritual satisfaction, cultural and scientific experience. Quite important for humans and the environment are supporting and regulatory services such as: climate regulation, water retention and purification, nitrogen absorption, erosion control, soil quality, nutrient retention, waste and toxin absorption, breeding habitats, pollination, air quality, noise reduction. The functions of such services may be reduced or lost due to deforestation or forest degradation, which may lead to various manifestations of environmental hazards. Thus, increasing the potential of ecosystem services at the expense of increasing the forest cover will help reduce the negative effects of forestry and achieve the goals and objectives of the sustainable development strategy.


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