


aquifers, groundwater, wells, diseases, nitrates, population health risk


The aim of the study is to assess nitrates concentration in the water of wells and artesian wells in rural settlements, the ways of nitrates intake and potential risks for the population health because of the exceeding standard indicators. It has been analyzed the nitrates pollution of the wells water in the villages of Sadove, Zhalianka, Yuchyn, Tuchyn and artesian wells water in the village of Tuchyn in Hoshcha (Rivne) district during the 2012-2018s. The authors have observed the exceeding of maximum permissible nitrates concentrations during the whole period of the research in the wells of the villages of Sadove (1,67–3,11 times), Yuchyn (1,24–1,68 times) and the village of Tuchyn (3,06–4,06 times) that demonstrates a long period of the aquifer pollution. The study reveals that the well water in the village of Zhalianka and artesian wells of the village of Tuchyn is appropriate to the established standards according to the nitrates concentration during the whole period of the research and is suitable for consumption and use. According to the nitrates concentration in the wells water the rural settlements may be ranked in such way: the village of Tuchyn > the village of Sadove > the village of Yuchyn > the village of Zhalianka. It has been defined the average values of the nitrates daily dose that get to adult’s body (0.38–2.69 mg/(kg×day) and children’s body (0.69–4.84 mg/(kg×day)) with drinking water. The study shows that average daily doses of nitrate intake with the drinking water to the child’s body are higher that to the adult’s body 1,8 times. Calculated risk factors of the impact of wells drinking water with different nitrates concentration on the body vary within 0,20–1,81(for adults) and 0,36–3,26 (children). Conclusions. The level of non-carcinogenic risk for adults and children health is changing from the low one to the high one and is defined with nitrates concentration changes in wells water. To decrease drinking water pollution with the nitrates it is necessary to use fertilizers and pesticides optimally, be sure to observe the time intervals of their application. It is important to maintain the technical condition of wells, clear up and disinfect the wells in accordance with sanitary norms and rules every year as well.


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