local self-government, community development, financial instruments, development project, local debt, municipal bondsAbstract
The aim of the article is to substantiate the feasibility of using financial instruments for the implementation of community development projects and their characteristics. The research methodology is based on theoretical provisions regarding financial support for the implementation of community development projects. The following methods of scientific research are used to solve the tasks: methods of analysis, synthesis and formalization; system-structural analysis; abstract-logical method – for making theoretical generalizations and formulating research conclusions. The scientific novelty of the work occurs in the comprehensive characterization of the application of modern financial instruments for the development of communities in Ukraine, which includes the determination of the features of financial activity in the management of community development, the object, subjects, key characteristics and the evaluation of the management of financial instruments for the development of the community. Conclusions. It has been proven that financial activity is a necessary component of the community development management mechanism, providing directions for the formation of centralized and special funds of monetary resources, the use of financial resources in the relevant industries. Financial instruments can be combined with each other and with other forms of community development support: credit guarantees; venture or risk capital; technical assistance programs, as they are related to attracting financing and reducing project risks. It was found that issuing municipal bonds as an alternative to financing local debt is gaining more and more popularity. It is substantiated that the competitive advantage of each community lies, first of all, in the use of a set of unique material and non-material resources and ensures the public-management ability of local self-government bodies to effectively combine them in order to maintain a competitive position and improve it.
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