


national security, information security, staffing of national security, education system, wartime, war, international cooperation, defense capability of the country


The article analyzes and systematizes scientific approaches to the problems of ensuring national security in wartime conditions. The author found out that there are no systematic studies of national security problems in wartime conditions. The article proposes to single out seven clusters of problems of ensuring national security in wartime conditions. First, the problem of forming effective mechanisms for preventing and countering corruption. Corruption causes irreparable damage to the reputation of the country and state authorities, which can harm fruitful international cooperation, which is so necessary at this stage. Secondly, the formation of an effective education system aimed at the formation of high-quality human capital of the country. The country's human capital is an important resource for the recovery of the economy, the formation of combat-ready armed forces, and the renewal of the scientific potential of society. Thirdly, it is necessary to form effective means of the country's defense capability, redistribution of funding taking into account the development of the defense-industrial complex, the formation of research laboratories whose activities are aimed at the development of new methods of protecting the population and military personnel, the development and testing of innovative weapons, etc. Fourthly, the problem of ensuring information security, ensuring the protection of society from fakes and distortions of information, which can lead to panic among the population, a negative perception of state management decisions by state authorities, loss of trust in state authorities, which in wartime conditions can lead to irreparable consequences. Fifth, ensuring mental security, which turns out to be the key to the survival of society and the state. Sixth, the problems in the national security system are financing. The issue of the financial security of the state is gaining urgent importance, since the defense of the country, the armed forces, the functioning of the defense and security agencies, relies on sufficient and stable financial support, both domestically and with the involvement of international assistance. Seventh, the problem of ensuring patriotic upbringing of children and youth with the aim of forming their national self-awareness, understanding the importance of language and national culture in the system of national security. Seventh, the formation of effective cooperation of Ukraine with the international community on the issue of defense and protection, the formation of a safe environment for the life of the world community, the formation of protection against global challenges and problems.


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