international standards, prevention of domestic violence, interaction with international organizations, memorandumAbstract
The article is aimed at analyzing the legal framework for the activities of public authorities in terms of their interaction with international organizations in the field of prevention of domestic violence, studying the legal basis for such interaction and establishing the most effective forms. The research methodology is based on the use of an integrated approach related to the systematization of the provisions of existing legislative acts, as well as other documents that regulate these relationships. The scientific novelty of the work consists in determining the place of common forms of interaction between state institutions (memorandums, cooperation agreements, cooperation agreements) in the hierarchy of normative legal acts and establishing the need for strengthening legal forms to ensure the effectiveness of such interaction in accordance with the level (national, regional, local). Conclusions. It is established that in recent years Ukraine has made significant progress in creating a system for preventing and combating domestic violence. Thanks to the persistent and effective cooperation of state bodies, international institutions, civil society, important regulations have been adopted, which actually create the foundation for the development of a clear system of combating violence. Ukraine, during the formation of national legislation, examines and adapts the provisions of international human rights standards, including on combating domestic violence. However, the study of an array of normative acts of international legal regulation of domestic violence revealed the lack of a comprehensive document and a rather weak normative provision for preventing this problem, as well as the narrowness of the legislative framework. The inefficiency of using the memorandum as a legal form of interaction has been established due to the lack of institutional memory of public authorities as a guarantee of consistency and long-term prospects for the development of interaction.
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