



state, management, public administration, public administration, public administration, democracy


The article examines the practical movement of Ukraine towards the realization of the ideals of democracy and the rule of law, which determines the extreme importance and increased relevance of problems related to the formation and reform of the public administration system in Ukraine as a whole, as well as changes at individual levels of executive power. Modern challenges and social transformations in Ukraine require the deepening and intensification of the processes of transformation of public administration in Ukraine based on the principles of democracy, transparency, accountability, and the controllability of the public administration system to civil society. Given the full-scale invasion of public administration, a lot of new tasks arise that require non-standard solutions. That is why we can follow the transformational processes of public administration thanks to the trends and directions of changes that are as close as possible to the European system of public administration, decentralization of power, introduction of the principles of democratic governance and new public administration. The main emphasis of modern state-building is focused on supporting an effective system of public administration of the state, which would contribute to the establishment of Ukraine as a legal European state with a high standard of living of the population, democracy, political and social stability, the development of an optimal mechanism for the functioning of public authorities, which is based on compliance with modern conditions of development market economy, democratic transformation in society and interaction with the public. However, the problems regarding the formation of a new state policy in the part of the decentralized management system still remain unresolved. Therefore, the complexities inherent in the simultaneous transformation of the public administration system and the reform of local self-government need to be clarified, and the harmonization of state interests with the interests of civil society is an important criterion for the successful functioning of the public administration system in Ukraine, which is outlined in the article.


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