


innovative technologies, digitalisation, students, motivation, higher education institutions, teaching methods


The purpose of the article is to analyse the main brainstorming technologies used in the process of teaching higher education students and to obtain feedback from higher education students on the effectiveness of using brainstorming technologies to increase motivation to learn during the final practical lesson. In the article, the authors clarify the concept of “brainstorming”, its role in the educational process and note that this method allows creating a favourable atmosphere for joint work, where each student can contribute and express their thoughts; promotes the development of communication skills, cooperation and creative thinking; in addition, brainstorming helps to develop skills in problem solving, searching for alternative ways of action and critical thinking. The authors outline the defining aspects of the rules of brainstorming among students of higher education institutions. The methodology of the study is based on the analytical method through the analysis of scientific literature on the research problem and the experimental method through the study of the impact of brainstorming technologies on the motivation to learn of higher education students. The scientific novelty is that for the first time the influence of brainstorming technologies on the motivation of students in the process of teaching the disciplines “Psychology of Personnel Management” and “English for Specific Purposes”. The experimental part of the study is described, which includes a survey among students of the National University “Zaporizhzhia Polytechnic” and the State University of Trade and Economics to determine whether the motivation increased in the process of using the brainstorming method. Conclusions. The authors noted an increase in motivation in the process of experimental research, the development of critical thinking and improved understanding of a particular topic of the discipline, i.e. brainstorming has a number of advantages, in particular, a motivational component, flexibility in conducting classes, individualisation and effectiveness of learning through its use at different stages of the educational process.


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