



positive psychotherapy, existential crisis, adulthood, personal growth, resilience


The purpose of the article is to study and substantiate the importance of using positive psychotherapy as an effective means of managing existential crisis in women. The article is aimed at highlighting how positive psychotherapy can serve as a tool to support and promote the personal development of women in modern society. Research methodology. It was assumed that low levels of life satisfaction, as well as high levels of anxiety and depression, are a combined sign of an existential crisis in women. It was believed that positive psychotherapy is an effective method for dealing with existential crisis in women. Two methods were used as psychodiagnostic tools: SWLS and HADS. The SWLS (Scale of Life Satisfaction) is a tool developed by Ed Diener and Robert Emmons to measure the level of life satisfaction. The SWLS is widely used in psychological and sociological research as an objective measure of quality of life. It consists of five questions aimed at assessing overall life satisfaction and is used to determine psychological well-being and quality of life. The Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS) is a tool for measuring anxiety and depression. Created by Robert Spitzer, John K. Williams, and Stuart Y. Briggs, it is designed to effectively detect anxiety and depression in patients. The main results are as follows. The scientific novelty is to study the effectiveness of the method of positive psychotherapy in dealing with women's existential crises. Conclusions. After a repeated diagnostic analysis of the results, positive transformations in the personal development of the subjects who received psychological support using the method of positive psychotherapy during the crisis period were revealed. In particular, the group members showed improvements in their current skills, expanded their conflict management, developed optimistic role models, and experienced an increase in life satisfaction, accompanied by a decrease in anxiety and depression. This indicates the overall positive impact of positive psychotherapy on the personal resources of the women studied, which are able to overcome crisis situations.


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