


university, English language, information technologies, teaching methods, motivation, alternative approaches


At the current stage of educational development, teaching English can effectively combine traditional methods with the use of advanced technologies. The use of multimedia tools and learning technologies is becoming an important part of new educational strategies. The purpose of our research is to improve the quality of learning and teaching English at universities in order to prepare students for successful communication in an international environment and to arouse increased interest in learning English. The research methodology is based on a detailed study and analysis of available library and Internet resources, which relate to the methods of teaching English, namely: communicative (intended to create a language environment where students can learn the language naturally, are motivated and able to effectively communicate in a foreign language environment) and constructive (based on the idea of constructive approach in psychology and education) methods. Traditional methods (grammar-translation, audio-linguistic, etc.) and alternative methods (project method, game method, use of multimedia technologies, interactive learning method, contextual learning method, etc.) were investigated and analyzed on the basis of comparison. The scientific novelty of our research consists in finding effective alternative methods of teaching English as a foreign language in nonlanguage universities and introducing them into the educational process. Conclusions. Studying foreign languages with the integration of modern Internet technologies in the educational process opens up opportunities for students to improve language skills and develop competencies. With the introduction of modern information and communication technologies into the educational process, new opportunities for improving the teaching and learning process are opening up. The use of innovative methods allows for a more individualized approach to the needs and level of knowledge of each student. Involvement in cooperation with international organizations and partners can enrich the educational process and give students the opportunity to communicate with native speakers and learn English in real situations.


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Стратегія сталого розвитку «Україна-2020». URL: (Дата звернення: 10.09.2023).

