psychological readiness for life in the Antarctic, intellectual component of psychological readiness, styles of thinking, imagination, socio-psychological periodization of age periods in the life of an adultAbstract
The purpose of the article is to study the age-related peculiarities of the intellectual component of the psychological readiness of Ukrainian winterers for life in the Antarctic on the example of 10 expeditions to the Ukrainian Antarctic station “Akademik Vernadsky”. The methodology of the study is based on a combination of philosophical (systematic, dialectical contradiction, unity of quality and quantity, dialectical negation, development, causality, etc.); general psychological (psychological theory of personality, unity of psyche and activity, development; systematic; concept of the subject of mental activity, etc.) and specific thematic (basic provisions of the psychology of activity in extreme conditions; the concept of socio-psychological periodization of age periods in the life of an adult of our time; structuring of psychological readiness for activity, etc.) principles with methods of systematicity, science and verification. The scientific novelty is that we used the method of analyzing scientific literature and the results of empirical research. We analyzed the age-related peculiarities of the intellectual component of psychological readiness for life in extreme conditions on the example of 10 Ukrainian Antarctic expeditions. We proved the necessity of psychological diagnostics for winterers in order to increase the efficiency of life in the Antarctic. Conclusions. We have determined the structure of psychological readiness for life in extreme conditions, in which the intellectual component plays a significant role. We proved that there are age differences in the prevalence of thinking styles in different age groups. The indicators of imagination development are the best in the older age group.
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