


gamification, educational game, Minecraft Education Edition, learning, secondary education


The purpose of the article is to explore the possibilities of using the educational game Minecraft Education Edition in general secondary education institutions to enhance the quality of education and engage students in learning through gaming techniques. The game ensures emotional immersion of students in the educational topic, contributing to better material assimilation. Minecraft Education Edition allows teachers to create engaging lessons that stimulate students' active participation and creative thinking. The use of Minecraft Education Edition can improve academic performance, stimulate students' activity and creativity, shape and develop their subject and life competencies, social skills, and teamwork. The cooperative game mode for creating team projects or tasks enables students to build together, solve problems, and achieve goals in a virtual environment. Through built-in management tools, teachers can establish access rights and limitations in the game, set rules, and regulate team interaction to promote constructive teamwork. The research methodology is based on analyzing scientific sources, studies, and theoretical concepts regarding the use of gamification principles to motivate students' learning. The reasons for the gaming platform’s popularity in the student environment have been analyzed. The scientific novelty of the research lies in revealing the educational potential of Minecraft Education Edition as a pedagogical tool and substantiating its application to stimulate cognitive processes, critical thinking, and student collaboration. Ways to train and inform teachers about the educational game’s possibilities are proposed. Conclusions. The research results indicate the necessity of raising teachers' and students' awareness of the possibilities of Minecraft Education Edition and the use of game-based learning principles as an effective method to enhance the educational process. Moreover, Minecraft Education Edition can be a tool for implementing thought experiments and research, allowing the practical application of theoretical knowledge.


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