



tutor, tutoring, social and personal competencies, tutoring methods, individual educational trajectory, tutoring process, portfolio


The purpose of the article is the analysis and characteristics of tutoring methods that contribute to the development of social and personal competencies of high school students. The research methodology is based on a combination of the following approaches: humanistic, which involves taking into account the individual characteristics of each student; systemic, allowing to perceive and analyze the tutoring process as a whole system; synergistic, which methodologically strengthens the process of forming the individuality of the subject of education, who takes an active and creative position and demonstrates the will to find an individual strategy of self-determination in life and selfrealization; activity-based, which recognizes activity as the basis, means and the decisive condition for the development of the individual. The scientific novelty lies in (using the method of analysis of scientific and pedagogical literature) the determination of tutoring methods that are an integrated complex and condition for the achievement of the final goal: the maximum level of development of social and personal competencies, in accordance with the individual characteristics of high school students. A meaningful characterization of tutoring methods was also presented. Conclusions. A tutoring program, which is designed by a tutor or a group of tutors based on the methodological concept of the tutoring process and is aimed at the development of social and personal competencies of high school students, involves the use of tutoring methods, namely: the method of directing the individual educational trajectory of the student, the method of the student's portfolio and the method of conducting the tutoring process. These methods require the presence of certain conditions for their implementation, systematizing and structure, as well as the tutor's ability to implement them. Due to the ability of the teacher-tutor to conduct tutoring activities, the individualization of the educational process in high school, which includes educational, educational and developmental processes, becomes possible.


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