identity, personal change, formation of personal identity, youthAbstract
The purpose of the article is a theoretical analysis of the understanding of identity as a subject of psychological research. The research methodology is based on the studies of P. V. Lushin and T. B. Kartseva regarding the understanding and expression of the personal “I”; in the studies of S. L. Rubinstein and K. A. Abulkhanova-Slavska, in the context of personal identity, it is manifested in adaptability, self-acceptance and acceptance of others, emotional comfort, internality, dominance; Garbuzova G. V.’s research on personal changes in students, which are formed in three stages: adaptive stage, stability stage and refinement stage; studies of L. O. Matochniuk, Yu. B. Maksimenko regarding changes in the identity of the individual in the information space, studies of O. V. Shevchenko regarding the formation and formation of the personality as a national identity. The scientific novelty of the research lies in the expansion of ideas about the concept of "identity" as a personal change, the identification of the structure of personal identity. Conclusions. We define personal identity as a set of traits or other individual characteristics characterized by a certain constancy, or at least continuity in time and space, which allows to differentiate this individual from other people. The formation of personal identity is a purely individual process, special for each individual. To a large extent, it is determined by the internal characteristics of the individual, the influence of the social environment, the support of the family, school and educational institution. The analysis of psychological literature allows us to assert that identity is formed and manifested at the psychophysiological, mental and personal levels.
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