


facilitation, play facilitation, teachers` facilitative skills, play-based learning methods, facilitative potential of the personality


The purpose of the article is to present the results of an empirical research of the peculiarities of the development of teachers' facilitative skills in the implementation of play-based learning methods in the system of preschool and primary education in Zaporizhzhia region. The research methodology is based on the implementation of the principles of activity and systemic approaches in the development of facilitative skills of preschool and primary education teachers in the implementation of play-based learning methods in the educational process. The research emphasizes that the facilitation skills of teachers should be based on an awareness of the facilitation process both at the level of knowledge and attitudes, and at the level of everyday interaction with children; the use of play-based learning methods to ensure educational impact on the child in the interests of his/her gradual competence development. The scientific novelty is that analyzes the results of subjective and objective assessment of the development of teachers' facilitation skills: self-assessment of their own professional competence in facilitating the play and implementing play-based learning methods (in accordance with the requirements of professional standards of preschool teachers and primary school teachers within the list of identified facilitation skills) and the results of psychological diagnostics of the facilitative potential of the individual in its two integral components (actualized and potential). Finding out the level of development of teachers' facilitative skills determines the optimal forms of their further professional development in the system of postgraduate education. Conclusions. The development of the teacher's facilitative skills directly affects the facilitative potential of the individual in its activity component, actualizing its resources, the system of values, motivations, meanings on which the person's facilitative activity is based, carried out and regulated. The identified trends allow us to search for optimal solutions and new effective forms of professional development of teachers within the framework of the outlined issues.


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