


education, trends, problems, developments, globalization, integration, openness, competence approach


The purpose of the article is to study the main trends in the development of the sphere of education in Ukraine in the works of Ukrainian scientists in the context of general civilizational challenges; identification and systematization of problems that hold back the accelerated development of domestic education, their causes and consequences. The research methodology is based on the methods of textological research, which consist in the study of the text, in combination with general philosophical methods such as analysis, verification, selection of essences and synthesis of main theses based on the analyzed material, carried out in compliance with the principles of systematicity, dialectical contradiction, unity of quality and quantity , dialectical negation, development, causality. The scientific novelty lies in the fact that, using the method of scientific literature analysis, an analysis of the state of higher education in Ukraine was carried out on the presence of current development trends characteristic of the world level of the educational sphere, and their specific national features in Ukraine. Conclusions. The trends in the development of higher education in Ukraine revealed as a result of the research provide an idea of the course of educational processes in the future. The changes that took place in the first decades of the 21st century led to a significant transformation of the educational sphere: increasing the role of education as a social good, development of social and personal understanding of education as a value; formation, functioning and development of education as a system, i.e. educational institutions of various levels and profiles: state and non-state, traditional and virtual, national and international; progressive development of education as a process – change in approaches to learning, education and personality development, improvement of content, technologies and means of educational and cognitive activity; bringing education to a qualitatively new level as a result, which includes increasing functional literacy, professional competence of specialists and general cultural level of various categories of the population.


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